Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

January 17th 2022

Over these last few years, the world faced complex challenges that sent electrifying pulses through every community regardless of any differences. Hate, disunity, and sickness stories filled the news with the utmost division from the presidential election to the covid pandemic. Yet, despite the desperation that plagued the headlines, we saw people worldwide come together to help others facing terrifying odds. They became allies and advocates for not only their friends and community members but for people they may never meet. People came together to provide financial support amid an economic crisis, donate protective gear to the people who need it most, and take to the streets to demand justice for all.

Although the path forward from 2021 may feel uncertain, one thing has never been more clear: To change the trajectory for the better, we have to come together, work together, and support each other in building a brighter, safer, more just future we all share. As we progress through time, we need to look back upon history and use the profound and intellectual teachings of those that inspired us to achieve greatness, such as Martin Luther King Jr.

As Winston Churchill said: "Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." 

Dr. King advocated for justice in the healthcare system. One of his most famous quotes was during his time spent in Chicago before giving a speech at the second convention of the Medical Committee for Human Rights.

Dr. King's words for justice and equality in healthcare:

"We are concerned about the constant use of federal funds to support this most notorious expression of segregation. Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and the most inhuman because it often results in physical death. I see no alternative to direct action and creative nonviolence to raise the conscience of the nation."

This speech brought attention and a call to action to legally stand up against hospitals still discriminating and segregating against patients.

Dr. King's words for encouragement to volunteer:

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?"

There are so many aspects of healthcare that make it functional and productive for patients and families. Here at Life's Journey, we have over 50 employees that have to work together to keep the organization operating. We heavily rely on volunteers to keep everything going smoothly. Volunteers are such a particular part of the hospice care team. They can provide various support services to enhance the quality of life for our patients and their families. They do this expecting nothing in return. These volunteers do not receive a paycheck, bonus, or gifts. Their work is just pure service to others from their heart. God bless those willing to give of themselves through volunteering.

Dr. King's words for moving forward:

"If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run, then walk, if you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward."

This quote can apply to all of us at any stage or circumstance in life. There will always be threats to our happiness and unexpected obstacles that could block our way. However, the most important lesson to remember is to keep moving and pushing forward no matter what. 

Today on Martin Luther King Jr. day 2022, we need to look back upon history and remember, re-learning all the lessons from past mistakes of injustice, hate, and self-destruction of society.

We must look back to remember but move forward to overcome. 


Hospice Volunteering


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