Making the Decision to Put Your Loved One on Hospice

When a loved one is facing a terminal illness, the decision to put them on hospice care can be a difficult and emotional one. However, there are several important reasons to consider this option.
Comfort and Quality of Life: Hospice care focuses on providing comfort and enhancing quality of life for patients in their final stages of illness. This specialized care aims to manage pain and symptoms, offering emotional and spiritual support to both the patient and their family. By choosing hospice, you are ensuring that your loved one receives the highest level of comfort and dignity in their remaining days.
Expert Care: Hospice care teams consist of skilled medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, social workers, and counselors, who are trained in end-of-life care. They are equipped to address a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, providing personalized support tailored to the individual patient and their family.
Emotional Support for Families: Hospice care extends its support to the entire family, offering counseling, education, and guidance through the complex emotional journey of caring for a terminally ill loved one. This comprehensive approach helps family members cope with their own emotional distress and learn how to best support their loved one during this challenging time.
Respecting Patient's Wishes: Choosing hospice care allows patients to remain in control of their medical treatment and end-of-life decisions. It supports their desire to spend their remaining time in familiar surroundings, surrounded by loved ones, and in the manner they wish.
Transition from Curative to Comfort Care: When all curative treatment options have been exhausted or when a patient decides to stop aggressive treatments, hospice provides a seamless transition to comfort care. This shift allows the focus to move from fighting the illness to ensuring the patient’s comfort and dignity.
Ultimately, the decision to put a loved one on hospice care is deeply personal and should be made based on the individual’s needs and desires. It’s crucial for families to have open and honest discussions with their loved ones, healthcare providers, and hospice professionals to ensure they are making the best choice for their loved one's end-of-life care.

Contact us at Life’s Journey Hospice in Indiana for more information. 317-561-6840


For the Love of Caregiving
