Heavenly Music

"Thinking and talking about death need not be morbid; they may be quite the opposite. Ignorance and fear of death overshadow life, while knowing and accepting death erases this shadow." — Lily Pincus

There is beauty in every phase of life, even the end of the journey as it should always be as beautiful as the beginning.

Our ministry and mission is to create a personal experience for all of our patients and families. Music is an integral part of so many life experiences and it creates magical moments of peace, memories, and joy even as someone is taking their last breaths on Earth.

Our precious friend's family allowed us to share her journey here to give light and awareness to the true picture of what hospice care is. It's about living each moment experiencing the fullness of what it can give.

The gentle breeze blowing in thru open doors and her favorite fiddle music being played was just that today for her. She's been with us so long now and the goodbye is so hard, but we know she’s off to a grand adventure with loved ones who've passed before.

And as God works things out in His grandest of ways, we were blessed to find Kathleen Swazye. We had made so many phone calls and weren't able to find anyone who would come play for her even for a few moments. Life's busy, too far, etc...

Atlhough we felt discouraged and disappointed, it was all part of the plan. You see, Kathleeen just lost her own father in hospice and it brought her as much of a blessing and joy as it did our family. In fact, she wants to come again and play for our precious patients!

That's how God works! We can't thank her enough for her selfless act of kindness today! God bless your, Kathleen! And God bless the team of Life's Journey for all you do to keep the vision alive!


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