The True Santa

The True Santa

Santa stopped to see her

It wouldn’t be long now

He touched her as she lay there

And wiped her laboring brow

He prayed for peace and comfort

He shared his love and cheer

For Christmas would not see her

No, not on earth this year

The gift her family wanted

Was a gift he couldn’t give

Jesus was now calling

For in heaven, she’d now live

He stood silent, strong, and quiet

Though his knees felt shaky and weak

The cheerful man who brings such joy

As tears flowed down his cheek

He whispered Merry Christmas

He promised no more pain

For the loss of earthly presence

Is truly heaven’s gain

You see Santa is so much more

Than a cheery man in red

He serves a greater purpose

As he visits each hospice bed

A servant of the master

To spread the word once more

A giver who doesn’t expect to receive

As he knocks on every door

He offers gifts in packages

While the master eternal peace

He comes to spread a message

For all he stops to meet

So as you breath in Christmas

Another takes their last

Remember life is fragile

this life will quickly pass.

Though grief may overtake us,

There’s a hope for peace once more

Through the days the pain will soften,

With God’s love we’ll be restored.

So When you see the guy in red

With a beard and rosy face

Remember his true purpose

Is the message of God’s grace

Written by Laury Wallace, NP

Founder of Life’s Journey Hospice. Forever grateful for a God who provided a way to meet and serve so many wonderful people. Forever grateful for a team of angels who joined us to help us serve this greater purpose.

Photo of Santa visiting our patients at Life’s Journey Hospice

Photographer: Laury Wallace


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